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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Customize & track any medical concerns. This is 1 of the 28 templates provided for each child. Remember... any page can be emailed to your doctor in seconds.

My final iPad build is almost complete and after months & months of challenges, it will still sell for under $5!  If you want to try it out for FREE before it hits the app store, I'd love your feedback.

You need to be on your iPad when you access the link below. The link will prompt you to load my CMJ App to your iPad for free so just say yes and wait 3 minutes… then start entering your info. by clicking on the "+" at the top right corner.  If you downloaded any earlier builds of my app, you must delete the icon before you download this latest version.

This should be the last iPad build before it goes to Apple so I'd REALLY appreciate feedback! Please contact me by email if you have any questions:

NOTE:  For this test, you will lose the info. you entered after you update with the app from Apple's App Store. Once you purchase Apple's version, the info. you enter will never be lost, even if we release new updates.  That said, don't worry about making the info. you enter on this build accurate.  Just enter info. as fast as possible so you can see how everything works.  Hope you appreciate it as much as I do!

Childhood medical build version 1.9
Please copy & paste the URL to your browser from your iPad: